The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, June 3, 1953
When Elizabeth II was to be crowned as Queenof the United Kingdom at Westminster Abbey, formalinvitations went out to 8,000 guests inthe whole of England, and around theworld – to presidents, prime ministers, and heads of state and those requested to be in attendance at this historic ceremony.
In England, members of parliament, government officials, civil servants, and ordinary citizens as well were invited, reflecting the diversity of British society.The invitation meticulously outlined all formalities, and essential details of the event. At the bottom of the invitation these words were written.
All Excuses Ceasing
When royalty gives an invitationto such a significant event, it isin actuality a command and obligation, andnot a discretionary invitation.
When Christcalls us to salvation,the same weight is given to the divine invitation. When He calls us to follow and serve Him, the same weight is given.
photo: The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, June 3, 1953; source: