Infallible Proofs

“To whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.” Acts 1:3 (NKJ)

I remember sitting in the chair of my dentist, named Dr. Quill, in Minnesota every six months or so. Dr. Quill was a good man, and he knowing that I was a young preacher, enjoyed talking with me about life, politics, current events, and other issues, and how they related to God, faith, and the Bible.

Our conversation was poignant on this day, for Dr. Quill was pondering the resurrection of Christ. Being a CEO catholic (Christmas, Easter, Only) – he shared with me how he had recently attended church services on Easter, and that he was making a decision to start going back to church more often.

“Church is a good place for the family. It’s good to meet people, and to develop friendships. It’s good for business …” He commented.
But he demanded, “I don’t believe in this hoodoo of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Jesus was a moral teacher … nothing more.”

As his hands paused working in my mouth, I had a periodic chance to respond. “Dr. Quill, the bible says that Jesus’ resurrection was confirmed by INFALLIBLE PROOFS. When something is infallible, it is provable beyond any doubt.”

He retorted, “Impossible. I believe that the disciples made up the story of the resurrection.”

“But Dr. Quill,” I responded, “11 of the 12, with the exception of Judas, died a martryr’s death for the testimony of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s impossible to think that none of them would recant on their belief in a resurrected Christ, if it was a made-up story.”

Stronger still – “I think they drank some bad wine, and were under some sort of a delusion” he countered

I firmly responded, “The disciples saw him alive. He ate fish and bread in their presence. They held him, and placed their hands in his wounds. There’s not a question about these infallible proofs.”

In a cynical tone, he said – “They were on a bad trip and hallucinating from psychedelic mushrooms! No one can rise from the dead!”

“But Dr. Quill,” I responded, “The bible says that he was seen by 500 people at the same time.”

A long and silent pause occurred. Dr. Quill reached into my mouth with his instruments and hands and said

“Open wider!”

The resurrection of Christ is a reality and the facts of history and the scripture can convince a skeptic’s heart. Christ produced infallible proofs showing Himself to be the Son of God with power.

Nothing you face is impossible for God, for Christ is our risen savior.

“The stone was rolled away from the door, not to permit Christ to come out, but to enable the disciples to go in.” – Peter Marshall

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