1 Corinthians 1:31
Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.
Many years ago I watched a video concert of a jazz quartet lead by a famous violinist. This show was taking place in a club where people were sitting at small café tables, and as each song ended, the people responded with polite applause, similar to a quite and reserved “golf clap.” At the end of the show, the violinist and the band let out all the stops on his last song, which was full of melodic and skillfull playing and vigor. It was exciting to watch the leader ending with such a display of talent of energy and musical excellence. At the end, the quiet clapping of the crowd rose a little higher with a few bravos, and a few people standing and clapping. This wasn’t the response the soloist was looking for, and his face revealed his shock and displeasure with the crowd. I watched him in his anger motioning for the crowd to give him more applause. He kept waving his had at the crowd for more and more applause until he finally got the crowd shouting. This seemed to satisfy him, but his pride and anger was a sad display of character.
When we were first married, Jane and I went to a concert of a Christian singer/songwriter at a cool church in Minneapolis. The singer was doing a solo performance playing an acoustic guitar, singing her songs which we loved. It was quiet and intimate, but the words of her songs penetrated our hearts with a love for Jesus. We were so touched by God during the whole show, not only with her great singing and guitar playing, but with her life and words of love and affection for Jesus. At the end of her set, everyone cheered her, but instead of thanking the crowd, she stood and turned her palms upward, deflecting the cheers and applause offered to her, motioning to give the cheers as an offering to the Lord. It wasn’t hype. She was so humble.
“Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” – 1 Cor. 1:31
Paul’s writing on humility directs our focus toward acknowledging God’s greatness rather than our own achievements. If anyone could boast of their accomplishments, it was the apostle Paul, but he did not. He acknowledged that all that is good and successful in himself, and if anything in his life was deemed praiseworthy, this was to be re-directed as praise and honor to Christ. Paul’s humility is noteworthy.
“But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” – Galatians 6:14
In this powerful verse, Paul emphasizes the centrality of the cross in the Christian faith, where there is no place for personal boasting. He recognized that true boasting lies not in personal achievements or worldly success, but in the work of Christ on the cross. The cross shows us God’s love, sacrifice, and victory over sin and death. As believers, we find our ultimate identity and purpose in the cross, which transforms our lives and reconciles us to God. In this alone can we boast.
Humility holds a significant place in our lives as believers in Christ. Here are 7 aspects which reveal how humility is a key component of our lives and testimony.
- Biblical Foundation:
- The Bible consistently emphasizes humility. James 4:6 states, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”
- Philippians 2:3-4 encourages believers to consider others better than themselves and to look out for their interests.
- Matthew 23:12 declares, “For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
- The Call to Follow Christ’s Example:
- Jesus exemplified humility. It seems that everywhere we turn in the gospels, Christ was showing himself as an example of great humility.
- Eg. Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, served others, and willingly sacrificed Himself. He showed dignity and honor to common people, sinners, prostitutes, tax collectors, and beggars. Children were welcomed in his presence.
- For us – By imitating Christ’s humility, we honor His words and His example. The demonstration of the true Christian life, is marked at times with great humilty, and valuing people, even people of low estate. May God give us grace to embrace the humility of Jesus.
- Relationship with God:
- Humility acknowledges our dependence on God. It recognizes that we are finite beings in need of His grace. We are not sufficient in ourselves to handle all the problems of life. We need Christ’s help daily in all of the challenged of life itself.
- When we humble ourselves before God, we open our hearts to receive His empowering grace for life. His guidance and spiritual direction will aid us in moving forward.
- Unity and Harmony:
- Humility fosters unity within the Church. When believers prioritize humility, divisions decrease, and love prevails. We find God’s grace to forgive.
- Pride, on the other hand, will always ultimately lead to strife and discord, and diminishing relationships in the church, and in every area of life.
- Avoiding Spiritual Pride:
- Spiritual pride blinds us to our faults and prevents growth. Humility allows us to recognize our imperfections and seek the transforming power of Jesus through the Holy Spirit who dwells within us..
- Being a Witness and Testmiony for Jesus:
- Humble Christians attract others to the faith. Humility is magnetic. The genuine love of believers filled with God’s compassion, and selflessness, reflect Christ’s character.
- Arrogance and self-righteousness in contrast drive people away, and present a poor depicition of what it means to be a follower of Christ.
- Grace and Forgiveness:
- Humility enables us to extend grace and forgive others. Recognizing our own need for forgiveness helps us show mercy to others.
In summary, the practice and embrace of humility in our lives align us with the core teachings of Jesus. Seeking to live a life of humility fosters healthy relationships, and draws us closer to God. May people want to follow Christ when they see His life in us marked with Christ-like humility.
Featured Photo, “Jackson Falls, Tennessee”